Integrated Drug Alcohol Recovery Team
Service Details | Service Information |
Service name | Integrated Drug Alcohol Recovery Team |
Address |
Birnam Murray Royal Hospital |
Town | Perth |
Postcode | PH2 7BH |
Telephone number | 01738 564261 |
Fax number | N/A |
Health board area | Tayside |
Local authority area | Perth and Kinross |
Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP) area | Perth and Kinross |
Catchment Area | Perth and Kinross |
Type of service | Statutory |
Nature of service | Community Based |
Referrals | Any Agency, Self Referral, GP, Health Professional, Social Work, Court |
Client access (please select all that apply) | 16-18, 18+, Non-gender specific, Couples, Women with children, Couples with children, Men with children |
Service Access | |
Opening days and times |
9.00am - 5.00pm (closed 12.30 to 1330 for lunch)
Tuesday: 9.00am - 5.00pm (closed 12.30 to 1330 for lunch) Wednesday: 9.00am - 5.00pm (closed 12.30 to 1330 for lunch) Thursday: 9.00am - 5.00pm (closed 12.30 to 1330 for lunch) Friday: 9.00am - 5.00pm (closed 12.30 to 1330 for lunch) Saturday: Closed Sunday: Closed |
Service access | No Appointment Required, Home Visits, Contact Address Required, Out of Hours Service |
Out of hours service details | * appointments available out with these core hours made by your Key Worker. |
Substances treated/targeted | |
Substances treated/targeted? | Yes |
Selected substances treated/targeted | Heroin, Dihydrocodeine or other Opiates/Opioids, Cocaine, Amphetamine or other Stimulants, Cannabis or Synthetic Cannabinoids, Diazepam (Valium) or other Benzodiazpeines, MDMA/Ecstasy or other Empathogens, Ketamine, Methoxetamine or other Dissociatives, LSD and other Psychedelics, Solvents/volatile substances, Prescription medication, Over the counter medication |
Advice and information | Yes |
Counselling | Yes |
Counselling options | One-to-One, Motivational Interview, Cognitive Behavour Therapy |
Family services | |
Family services | Yes |
Family services options | Parent/child support, Childcare provision provided, Childcare provision referral, Carer support groups, Respite for carers - as part of the service, Respite for carers - by referral |
Mental health service | |
Mental health: does your service provide mental health support and advice? | Yes |
Mental health support options | As part of the service, Joint working with relevant agencies, By referral to specialist unit |
Mental health support option types | Depression, Anxiety/Phobic disorder, Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Self Harming, Bipolar Disorder, Psychosis, Personality disorder |
Mental health interventions | Yes |
Mental health intervention options | Assessment tool to identify mental health problems for drug users, Suicide risk assessment/prevention, Brief Interventions, Crisis Resolution, Stepped care model for pyschological therapies, Dual Diagnosis |
Outreach service | |
Outreach | Yes |
Outreach options | Outreach Clinics |
Rehabilitation and other services | |
Rehabilitation and other services provided | Access to supported accomodation, Advocacy, Aftercare, Alternate therapies e.g. acudetox, Education and training (by referral), Engage Volunteers, Talks/training, Stalls at exhibitions/seminars |
Needle exchange | No |