Alcohol and Drug Recovery Service (East Dunbartonshire)

Service Details Service Information
Service name Alcohol and Drug Recovery Service (East Dunbartonshire)
Address 10 Saramago Street
Town Kirkintilloch
Postcode G66 3BF
Telephone number 0141 232 8211
Fax number N/A
Health board area Greater Glasgow And Clyde
Local authority area East Dunbartonshire
Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP) area East Dunbartonshire
Catchment Area East Dunbartonshire
Type of service Statutory
Nature of service Community Based
Referrals Any Agency, Self Referral, GP, Health Professional, Social Work
Client access (please select all that apply) 18+, Non-gender specific
Service Access  
Opening days and times Monday: 9.00am - 5.00pm
Tuesday: 9.00am - 5.00pm
Wednesday: 9.00am - 5.00pm
Thursday: 9.00am - 5.00pm
Friday: 9.00am - 5.00pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Service access By Appointment, Home Visits, Out of Hours Service
Out of hours service details Telephone contact home visits by appointment only.
Telephone helpline NHS 24 - 111
Substances treated/targeted  
Substances treated/targeted? Yes
Selected substances treated/targeted Heroin, Dihydrocodeine or other Opiates/Opioids, Cocaine, Amphetamine or other Stimulants, Cannabis or Synthetic Cannabinoids, Diazepam (Valium) or other Benzodiazpeines, MDMA/Ecstasy or other Empathogens, Ketamine, Methoxetamine or other Dissociatives, LSD and other Psychedelics, Solvents/volatile substances, Prescription medication, Over the counter medication
Counselling Yes
Counselling options One-to-One, Motivational Interview
Detoxification as part of the service Yes
Detoxification options In-Patient/In-House Detox
Family services  
Family services Yes
Family services options Parent/child support, Carer support groups, Respite for carers - by referral
If other has been selected, please specify Impact of parental substance use assessments and referral to vulnerable pregnancy liaison group as required
Mental health service  
Mental health: does your service provide mental health support and advice? Yes
Mental health support options As part of the service, Joint working with relevant agencies, By referral to specialist unit
Mental health support option types Depression, Anxiety/Phobic disorder, Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Self Harming, Eating Disorders, Bipolar Disorder, Psychosis, Personality disorder
Mental health interventions Yes
Mental health intervention options Assessment tool to identify mental health problems for drug users, Suicide risk assessment/prevention, Brief Interventions, Crisis Resolution, Stepped care model for pyschological therapies, Dual Diagnosis, Prescribing psychotropic medication, Screening
Prescribing service  
Prescribing Yes
Prescribing options As part of the service, Methadone, Buprenorphine, Naltrexone, Naloxone, Benzodiazepine
Outreach service  
Outreach Yes
Outreach options Outreach Clinics
Advertise outreach? Yes
Rehabilitation and other services  
Rehabilitation and other services provided Access to supported accomodation, Advocacy, Aftercare, Drug testing, Sexual Health, Talks/training, Stalls at exhibitions/seminars
Criminal justice services Yes
Criminal justice services options Condition of a probation order, Condition of a DTTO
Residential support Yes
Residential support options Residential rehabilition, In-patient/In-house detox
If other has been selected, please specify
Needle exchange No
Further information We offer assessment, support and treatment for alcohol and drugs issues by offering person-centred, recovery-focused care and treatment. We may refer you to other recovery services when appropriate.