Substance Misuse for Uist and Barra

Service Details Service Information
Service name Substance Misuse for Uist and Barra
Address 46 Winfield Way
Town Benbecula
Postcode HS7 5LH
Telephone number 01870 603279
Fax number 01870 603279
Health board area Western Isles
Local authority area Eilean Star (Western Isles)
Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP) area Western Isles
Catchment Area Uist & Barra
Type of service Statutory
Nature of service Community Based
Referrals Any Agency, Self Referral, GP, Health Professional, Social Work, Court, Other (please specify below)
If other has been selected, please specify Family (with client consent)
Client access (please select all that apply) Under 16s, 16-18, 18+, Non-gender specific, Women with children, Men with children
Service Access  
Opening days and times Monday: 9.00am - 5.00pm
Tuesday: 9.00am - 5.00pm
Wednesday: 9.00am - 5.00pm
Thursday: 9.00am - 5.00pm
Friday: 9.00am - 5.00pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Service access By Appointment, Home Visits, Contact Address Required
Substances treated/targeted  
Substances treated/targeted? Yes
Selected substances treated/targeted Heroin, Dihydrocodeine or other Opiates/Opioids, Cocaine, Amphetamine or other Stimulants, Cannabis or Synthetic Cannabinoids, Diazepam (Valium) or other Benzodiazpeines, MDMA/Ecstasy or other Empathogens, Ketamine, Methoxetamine or other Dissociatives, LSD and other Psychedelics, Solvents/volatile substances, Prescription medication, Over the counter medication
Advice and information Yes
Counselling Yes
Counselling options One-to-One, Motivational Interview, Cognitive Behavour Therapy, Other (please specify below)
If other has been selected, please specify Relapse management.
Detoxification as part of the service Yes
Detoxification options Detox By Referral
Family services  
Family services Yes
Family services options Parent/child support
Rehabilitation and other services  
Rehabilitation and other services provided Access to supported accomodation, Drug testing, Education and Training, Education and training (by referral), Groupwork, Talks/training, Other (please specify below)
If other has been selected, please specify Intensive Day Care Programme for up to 12 weeks as per client's requirements.
Criminal justice services Yes
Criminal justice services options Court reports, Throughcare/transitional care, Prison aftercare, Arrest referral, Condition of a deferred sentence, Condition of a probation order
Needle exchange No
Further information The substance misuse service provides the key focus for drug and alcohol treatment services throughout the Southern Isles and is the first point for all referrals in the Uists and Barra. The service provides drug (and alcohol) counselling, support and aftercare arrangement for people with substance misuse problems and their carers. It also provides a treatment and rehabilitation programme for clients leaving prison. In addition to the programmes already mentioned, the service’s Get Together Group offers support and information to people with substance use problems who are isolated. Supported accommodation can be provided during detoxification for up to 12 months.